Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Message 2010 - "Your Answer is Right Next to You! Dont Search Somewhere Else!!

New Year Message: "Your Answer is Right Next to You! Dont Search Somewhere Else!!

We might be praying for certain things for a very long time. May be through out 2009 we might be waiting for some answers from our Lord, and solutions for our problems without knowing something the fact that the answer is where we are and very near to us and we need not search somewhere else. Remember one thing that Our God will open a way in what ever situations you are & what ever you are surrounded with. He has always done this in the past and would be done this even to this day. But what are we suppose to do? 

Stand where you are and Praise & Worship Him!

Stand where you are and whatever situations you are bonded in and Praise and Worship Him!! He will Make a way for you. Not only make a way for you but also make you Walk through the Situations you are!! Amen? The mistake we  do normally is we keep Searching for the answer and solutions somewhere else. The Answer is there right where you are! Here i would like to quote some experiences from the word of God where God has opened a way right where there was a problem!! 

1. Red Sea - When Israelites were in a situation that they could no longer move forward, coz  Pharaoh and his Army was behind them, Did not God open a way for them dividing Red Sea which was Just in front of them? The Way was just in front of them and he never used any new ways. Dint they Cross the other side??

2. Hagar - We she cried, when she looked on to the Lord dint he open her eyes and she could see the spring very close to her, just where she was?? so that she could give the water to her son?? was not the spring there at the same place so far?? yes it was buts he could not see that. when she cried on to Lord and when he opened the eyes she could see. if so when we look on to him at the time of trouble he would open our inner eyes and so we will get sight to see the Way he has kept for us.

3. River of Jordan - Dint our lord open a way right there?? 

4. Jericho Walls - Dint the walls fall when they shout and praised God?? So that they could march forward and take control of the city??

5. Paul in Prison - In spite of bondage when he praise god dint his chain break?? and he could free himself and also a miracle happed there?? Is something Hard for my Lord?? No!!! Never!! The same Lord is still alive and he can do greater than these in our Life!!!

And at all situations God Opened a Way Right There.  If so he is able to open a way for you right where you are and what ever situations you are!!  Lets always have a thankful heart for what all he did to us in the past and when we thank and praise Him!! Wow here opens the way!! Yes it will and He will do that for you!! Amen?

So How To Deal Such Situations?
1. Be Silent!
2. Sit and Relax in His Presence!!
3. Analyze what and how He did During such situation in the Past!!!
4. Have a Thankful Heart toward that!!!!
5. Read and Meditate the Word of God!!!!!
6. Praise God for his Mercy, Grace and for the situations you are in!!!!!!
7. Call on to Him!!!!!!!
8. Worship Him!!!!!!!!

Once you do these few things.. God would do his part immediately!! He wont be silent still!! He would answer to your Faithfulness, Thankful Heart and Patience. And the answer would be there automatically!!! Amen?

So the best way to deal such hard and problematic times are to sit in His presence and Read the word of God!! Yes He will talk to us as what to do and how to move further!! Because the real answer for all your questions and solutions for all your problems are in the word of God. Again the problem is we just read and leave it. We don't Meditate on it. Or give Lord some time to talk to us through it. God can Talk and deal with us only when we meditate and give him some time to talk to us. When we go into deeper depths of the word of God. We would be able to know his will and way and from then on we would be able to lead our 

life according to his plan. Once we started doing so, once we started leading our life completely according to His will and Plan from then on everything would be under his guidance and care. Amen?

May God Bless You All!!!
Do Pray for us and for the Ministries God has given to us!!!
With Love & Prayers
Sam V Kuruvilla.

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