Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why should a child of God not celebrate Christmas?

I had been writing for the last few weeks against a child of God celebrating Christmas! But, sadly i had to face a lot of opposition like never before, it has gone to an extend of many accusing me as anti-christ, some say i do these to promote myself, some say i don’t know anything from The word of God and above all today a FM channel openly coming against it. People dint like me speaking against Santa, Carols, Christmas tree and Christmas. Here i want to just tell you all few things why a child of God should always stay away from celebrating Christmas. Because its wrong and not biblical. Yes it’s not from bible. How? You will see that in the following passages.

 The birth of Jesus Christ is a naked truth; you, me or anyone could never ever come and prove that Jesus was not born. But celebrating His birth in the name of Christmas is never biblical and here come few things which i have understood from my learning from the word of God personally, online sources etc. I am sure it will be a blessing to everyone who reads it fully and will be of more help to you all to understand things better. So I wish and pray that you’re spiritual man wakes up and your spiritual eyes open so no longer we remain blind and act like a worldly man following things that are from the world.

What is Christmas?
They say Christmas is The Birth of Christ, But that’s wrong! Its not, because Jesus was not born on that so called date. The word "Christmas" means "mass of Christ," it was shortened to “Christ-mass. In other words Christ + mass is Christmas. Roman Catholic Church just took the word Christ alone, they dint take real Christ (If so they would have never assumed a wrong date or made it into a celebration which The Bible has never revealed or asked to) but only the word to attract the people and added their own so called mass to it. Mass is absolutely a word used by Catholic Church. So Roman Catholics did not take this term from the bible, but from paganism and claim it as celebrating the birth of Christ! But the truth is that, It is not, because true Christ is not there but only their own so called Christ. You will know that later when you finish reading this fully.

From where did Christmas come?
As I told earlier "Christmas" means "Christ’s mass. There used to be a special Roman Catholic mass performed on every December 25th. That mass is still conducted by Roman Catholic Churches, along with their so called mass they introduced and added a false birth of Christ, an assumed date of birth for Jesus, so that they could attract more people. That is why I earlier said real Christ was not there but only an assumed or imaginary Christ, a false Christ. Now you may ask me how you can say real Christ and False Christ. Yes I can, and you will know why when you read further. So let me conclude this part by saying that the term “Christmas” came to the modern world from the Roman Catholic Church and not from The Father, Son Jesus, Holy Spirit or you could ever find it in The Bible.

Was Christmas there with early Church and Apostles?
No! Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church, nor could we see anyone celebrating it anywhere in the bible when Jesus was in flesh or after He was taken up. Apostles never ever celebrated Christmas as they dint receive any orders or commandments from their Master. They stayed with Master closely for almost 3.5 years. And after He was taken up, they still received revelation from above regarding everything but never had they received anything regarding Jesus Birth or it to be celebrated as Christmas. In the scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on His [Christ’s] birthday. It is only sinners [like pharaoh or herod] who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world.

Was Christ born on December 25th?
No! He was not born on December 25th. But Christ was born in the fall of the year. Many have mistakenly believed He was born around the beginning of winter or December 25th! They are wrong! Luke 2:8 explains that when Christ was born, the shepherds were abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. It says clearly that they were “abiding” in the field, this cant happen during winter that is December because no shepherds will ever be abiding their flocks in winter. So this has never happened in December. In Old Testament, Both Ezra 10:9-13 and the Song of Solomon 2:11 show that winter was more likely to be like rainy season either by rain or by snow and shepherds could not stay on cold, open fields at night watching their flocks. If so how can they ever claim it as December?

So now we know that December 25th was nowhere near Christ’s actual birth date, then why was this festival associated with December 25 and from where this date come from? It came from the world not from Lord. Now read this in the roman world the saturnalia (December 25) was a time of merrymaking and exchanging of gifts. December 25 was also regarded as the birth date of the Iranian mystery god mithra, the sun of righteousness. So December 25th was not selected because it was the birth of Christ but it was selected because it coincided with the idolatrous pagan festival saturnalia and pagan sun god mithra. So this celebration must be carefully examined, because we do not know the exact date of Christ’s birth. While God certainly could have made it known, He chose to hide it from the world’s eyes! When God chose to hide it why should we assume one day? Can we do that? Is that allowed according to the word of God? No! We cannot do that. Still if we add something to God or to His words, if we assume something to His, we are to be punished, because it’s a sin.

Any how as i always say dates or time does not matter and it has got nothing to prove my Saviour's birth! Be it December 25th or April 1st or October 18th, My Lord was born one day! Yes He is still alive and My Redeemer Lives! But now lets see whether Christmas itself is correct or wrong! Will God be ever glorified through the so called Christmas! Will Jesus be ever honored by the so called Christmas! 

Can Christ ever be honoured by Christmas?
Now so far we have been dealing with simple things like terms, dates, origin, concept etc. Now what you are going to read is the most important why a child of God cannot and should not celebrate Christmas. Even if he does why it will never be acceptable in God’s eyes! If God can reject Cain’s sacrifice, He will not be please or ever accept what we do in the name of Christmas. Why? And how can I say this? Read this following passage carefully.

The most common justification that one will hear regarding Christmas is that We are lifting God’s name, we are honouring Jesus, We are thanking God for His son, we want to make use of this day in sharing Gospel to the people and by doing that we want to take His name to the ends of this world. Wicked people have cleverly replaced old pagan customs and intents by asserting that they are now “focusing on Christ.” I have heard many say that “we are honouring Christ” by celebrating Christmas. They are just doing as Cain did. They are just doing their part and not bothered whether God is accepting this or not. But the real problem is that God does not say this is acceptable to him! Actually, He plainly commands against it! Keeping Christmas or celebrating it dishonours Christ! He considers everything about it to be an abomination! How?

Christ said, “but in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:9). He very clearly says, if people give offerings, worship or celebration according to a human teaching or in result of a human doctrine or commandment, then it is in vain. If it’s in vain, then my Lord also hates things done in vain. If so Christmas is not a command of God, rather it is a tradition of men. It is not a doctrine or commandment of God but from men. Because as i said earlier even Father, Son and Holy Spirit hide the date and celebration from us, yes from this world then why should we create one? who received that revelation? If its not from above then its from Devil. By now you should be sure that Christmas is not from above but a celebration created by men. If so do you ever think He will accept your thanks, offering, worship and celebration that you do in the name of Christmas? No! Never! He hates it and is rejecting it as He did to Cain.

Christ also said, “full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition” (Mark 7:9). There are many commandment and doctrine said by Jesus for us to celebrate, leaving all those behind or along with that we cant do things which are not said by Christ. Because of one simple thing that is we cant have two Master! We can have only one. If its Jesus, then only what He said. If its world then Christmas. Every year, throughout the world, on December 25th, hundreds of millions celebrate Christmas. Think, where did this come from? Judge yourself from the above said bible verses. In addition to this we will see that God plainly commands, “follow not the way of the heathen.” If so shall we ever follow what the world introduced in the name of Christmas? Some fear God, but does not follow Him fully or obey Him fully, because still the old man in them is alive and he always forces and guides them to follow the ways of the heathen. They always wanted to enjoy that of the world. But most people do not fear God, and he allows them to make their own decisions. Human beings are free moral agents free to obey or disobey god! But woe to those who ignore the plain word of God!

Can we worship true God mixed with false practices?
 The modern term for merging false pagan customs with the worship of the true god is called syncretism. Anyone who did this in ancient Israel was put to death (Lev. 18:21, 29)! It was that serious!

A fascinating look into how Israel thought and believed, in their own minds, that they were worshipping God as an entire nation, comes from 2 Kings 17:33: “they feared the Lord, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from there.” Did you grasp this? Yes, they feared the true God while serving other gods. No wonder the very next verse (34) states that they really “fear not the lord” according to the way god commanded. This is how god views what people are doing today—no matter what these people copying ancient pagan practices might think of their own actions! verse 30 says that all this had been learned from contact with “the men of Babylon” (among others), whose chief god, we will recall, was nimrod (baal or molech)—who we now know were one and the same. This is what said in New Testament (Matt 6:24) No one can serve two masters. Amen! What a strong statement by Jesus himself. Either we have to love one and hate another or be devoted to one and leave another. If so which one will we have, Commandments and Doctrines of Jesus or Pope? The one from above or the one from below? A child of God especially a born again child can never follow both Jesus and Pope! He does not like us having two masters! No never!!!

Deuteronomy 12:32 made clear that god does not want us to mix His ways with any false ways: What thing so ever I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. If so His way was not to reveal His birth day to us, shall we still make it as Christmas and celebrate it on December 25th and follow false ways? His ways was not asking us to celebrate His birthday, if so can we ever mix it with customs and traditions of this world and still celebrate creating something for our own? These are God’s plain words to all who say that they can mix the horrible customs of outright paganism with a supposed “focus on Christ.

So by celebrating Christmas whom are we celebrating? "Another Jesus / Fake Jesus''
First, consider Paul’s entire introduction as he sets the stage for the warning that follows: “but i fear, lest by any means, as the serpent [satan] beguiled eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ” (2 Cor. 11:3). Now for the actual warning in the next verse: “for if he that comes preaches another jesus, whom we have not preached, or if you receive another spirit, which you have not received, or another gospel, which you have not accepted, you might well bear with him”(2 Cor. 11:4). 

In the past, this “jesus” has even corrupted the thinking of true christians. This much is plain. But the “subtilty” of how this can happen, and how it has occurred in history, is so ­ deceptive so ­seductive that even true christians can unknowingly slip into worshipping this ­ so called jesus. This is what was happening in the ­ Corinthians and still during Christmas.People can worship in ways that represent things that are far different than what they sincerely believe or intend. Bible “believers” today can think that they are worshiping the true savior when they are really worshipping a false ­savior—­another jesus! The entirety of traditional Christianity is actually worshiping nimrod/saturn/baal. The modern mother/child “mary/jesus” emphasis, including the worshipful adoration of mary by millions, is a parallel with nimrod and his mother, semiramis etc! If you and me (Children of Living God) end up celebrate Christmas, we are also worshiping these false gods because they are the ones who introduced these things.

So the one who is there in Christmas is “another ­Jesus” “Fake Christ”  Jesus that is the focus of this season is not the true Jesus Christ of the bible! Most have been taught that there is only one Jesus Christ. But God’s word speaks of a counterfeit, and this substitute christ is identifiable in history. The proof? The apostle Paul warned of “another jesus.” That is why I also said in the beginning about a fake Christ. 

So by reading thus far we are sure that our real Christ is not there in Christmas, then who is there? That’s what I said in the beginning, a false Christ! Yes a false Christ created by this world, coz God cannot be in what is created by this world. God can be there only in things created by Him. He hates the doctrines of the world.

Now read this; The real Jesus Christ was never in the Christmas so far and never will be in Christmas yet to come! He cannot be put back into where He has never been. Then who was there? The “god of this world,” satan (2 Cor. 4:4), has always been in Christmas. Coz he is the author of Christmas and not Father or Jesus or Holy Spirit! Satan created, founded Christmas and so he is its author! My Lord will never be present in what satan creates.

So lets don’t be fools trying to put Christ back in Christmas. Many speak of “putting christ back into christmas.” This is heard every year from thousands of pulpits and elsewhere. But the true christ was never there! Just as a person cannot go back into a room that he had never entered, jesus christ cannot be “put back” into an event that he has never been in, and that he in fact hates! (again, see mark 7:7.) The jesus that these preachers and religionists have in mind is another christ, one with another gospel, another spirit—the christmas spirit!—bringing totally different doctrines and teachings. So now its time for you to decide! If the whole concept Christmas is from world and devil, the same applies to Christmas Tree, Santa and Carols.

Now I don’t mind anyone deleting me or throwing me from you list! But what ever you do or say truth remains the truth and we will have to face that one day! Let’s be prepared for that day.

So if you ask me no more Christmas as its not from above but the truth is that Christ was born, but word of God does not ask us to make it a event or call it a Christmas or celebrate it! He was born for sure, so that He can die for you and me so that we can can everlasting life with Him and called His Children! If you think you are His child, walk in His ways and not of this world! 

May God Bless you All!
In Him,
Sam V kuruvilla.


  1. True that most folks forget the reason for the season, but doesn't mean everyone is like that.

    While you do have a point abt the pagan origins of Christmas, it shouldn't matter as long as God is above everything else in our lives. God was really into festivals if you look in the old testament. And those festivals was way of proclaiming the acts of God to the generations.
    Christmas is great if it retains its focus on Jesus and not the commercialization that has come of the age.

    And by saying God doesn't accept their worship, lets leave that to God, bcos he alone knows the true intentions of their heart.

  2. Jesus often said, "Be happy". Let us celebrate and be happy on Dec. 25. No one knows the exact date of the birth Christ. Let it be Dec. 25. How does it matter. Being joyful is not against Bible. What do you say?

  3. Let us celebrate Christmas everyday from the moment we wake up. Thank you Jesus for coming and saving us. Go Jesus Go Jesus it’s your birthday.

  4. Just make it an opportunity to tell the WORLD(which God loved)that you have a SAVIOUR.
    Why we have Special Convention, when we have worships and prayer meetings? We need special occasions to announce the good news.

  5. In places like Nepal where I serve the Lord evangelism is a criminal act. But Christmas is accepted by the government as a festival of Christians and hence sharing and preaching in the form of Christmas celebrations is not opposed.
